Mariko Kusumoto was born in Japan in 1967. Polyester jewelry, created by Mariko Kusumoto using the innovative technique she developed, is distinguished by a rare delicacy and mystery: as if a bouquet of translucent sea anemones or jellyfish made of polyester of different colors are attached to a thin steel cord. These forms resemble sea creatures, shiny and hollow, and some of them have additional fixed or movable elements inside.
Japanese artist Mariko Kusumoto creates completely unique sculptures and accessories that resemble balloons. She uses the thinnest translucent chiffon, heating it to the “right” temperature, allowing the material to remember the shape that was intended. The works are then formed into sculptural or wearable objects.
The soft captivity of these balls can contain various figures. These can be smaller copies of spherical figures, sea creatures and cars. The playful shapes of these figures match the vibrant colors that Mariko chooses for her work.