Jewelry People

Faberge Easter eggs from the collection of the Kelch dynasty

Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic on Devichye Pole, built by Yu. Bazanova; modern photo. Now the building of the ENT clinic is occupied by the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, the Department of Medical Equipment and the Veterinary Clinic
Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic on Devichye Pole, built by Yu. Bazanova; modern photo. Now the building of the ENT clinic is occupied by the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, the Department of Medical Equipment and the Veterinary Clinic

About the dynasty

In 1896, the Kelchs bought a house in St. Petersburg at 28 Sergievskaya Street. At the expense of Varvara Petrovna, in the same year the building was rebuilt by invited architects Schöne, Chagin and Schmidt. Varvara Petrovna herself moved to St. Petersburg for permanent residence only in 1898, having been actively involved in charitable activities in Moscow before: she was the patron of the Society to help the needs of Siberians and Siberians, students in Moscow educational institutions, a member of the Moscow Society of former university students and Honorary Member of the Society for the Benefit of Insufficient Students of Moscow University.

Yulia Bazanova with her daughter Varvara with her granddaughter Yulia and other relatives from the Sievers and Kelkhov families at their dacha in Yalta
Yulia Bazanova with her daughter Varvara with her granddaughter Yulia and other relatives from the Sievers and Kelkhov families at their dacha in Yalta

In 1904, Varvara Petrovna left for Paris, leaving her husband a letter with a confession that she had always loved only his brother and her whole “life went awry.” In 1910, the couple officially filed for divorce, the children were raised by their grandmother, Yulia Bazanova. Varvara Bazanova remained in exile and Alexander Kelkh never returned to Russia after his wife left, took upon himself not only the charitable institutions of St. Petersburg, whose guardian was his wife, but also the care of her mother, who died in 1924 in his arms. In 1930 he was arrested and died in the camps. Varvara Petrovna lived a long life and died in Paris in 1959. She was buried in the Russian cemetery in Saint-Genevier de Bois. Some of Varvara Kelch’s jewels have ended up in private collections and are exhibited in various museums around the world.

Varvara Petrovna Bazanova-Kelkh with her daughter
Varvara Petrovna Bazanova-Kelkh with her daughter

Alexander Kelkh ordered and presented his wife Varvara Kelkh-Bazanova with 7 Faberge Easter eggs

In the period from 1898 to 1904, the Russian businessman Alexander Kelkh ordered and presented his wife Varvara Kelkh-Bazanova with 7 Faberge Easter eggs made by the jeweler Mikhail Perkhin. In addition, among the customers who ordered and purchased Faberge Easter eggs were famous people of that time: Vanderbilt, Consuelo, the Duchess of Marlborough, the Yusupovs, Alfred Nobel’s nephew Emmanuel Nobel. It became known about the existence of another piece of the jewelry house: the “Rothschild egg”, created in 1902 for the family of American billionaires and kept in their family throughout this time, was put up for auction.

The legacy of the House of Faberge was not only brought to life by the initiative of an artist and entrepreneur who founded a workshop and created a market for its products. The energy of time, the development of the mineral resources of Russia, the rise of commerce and culture, and finally, the personality that stands at the center of these processes, one way or another predetermined what was aesthetically crystallized in the Faberge phenomenon.

Pine cone

eggs from the collection of the Kelch, Pine cone - an Easter egg, a piece of jewelry made in 1900 by the firm of Carl Fabergé by order of the Russian industrialist Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh, who presented it to his wife Varvara Petrovna Bazanova-Kelkh
Pine cone – an Easter egg, a piece of jewelry made in 1900 by the firm of Carl Fabergé by order of the Russian industrialist Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh, who presented it to his wife Varvara Petrovna Bazanova-Kelkh.


eggs from the collection of the Kelch, Gift of Alexander Kelkh to his wife Varvara Kelkh-Bazanova for Easter 1899. The gold miner, like Emperor Nicholas II, gave Faberge jewelry eggs to his wife for Easter. However, soon the financial situation worsened and the Kelchs parted ways.They were no longer interested in Faberge eggs, and the ex-wife took a collection of jewelry Easter eggs to Paris. In 1920
Gift of Alexander Kelkh to his wife Varvara Kelkh-Bazanova for Easter 1899. The gold miner, like Emperor Nicholas II, gave Faberge jewelry eggs to his wife for Easter.

Surprise Case with a miniature pendant

eggs from the collection of the Kelch, Surprise Case with a miniature pendant. A miniature oval box made of agate, decorated with diamonds and a faceted cabochon ruby. The date
Surprise Case with a miniature pendant. A miniature oval box made of agate, decorated with diamonds and a faceted cabochon ruby.
The Egg with Panels (or Twelve Panels) is a jeweler's egg, one of the seven Kelch Easter eggs made by Carl Fabergé for the Russian businessman Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelch. The paneled egg was commissioned by Kelch in 1899 as a gift to his wife Barbara Kelch-Bazanova for Easter 1899 and is now in the Royal Collection of Queen Elizabeth II, London, UK
The Egg with Panels (or Twelve Panels) is a jeweler’s egg, one of the seven Kelch Easter eggs made by Carl Fabergé for the Russian businessman Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelch.
These products were ordered by the Russian businessman A. Kelkh as a gift to his wife Varvara Petrovna. Faberge jeweler Mikhail Perkhin worked on their creation. Gifts ceased after 1904 - from 1905, when the couple officially began to live separately and their financial situation deteriorated markedly due to the collapse of the Russo-Japanese War.
These products were ordered by the Russian businessman A. Kelkh as a gift to his wife Varvara Petrovna.


Bonbon'yérka — yuvelirnoye yaytso, odno iz semi paskhal'nykh yaits kollektsii sem'i Kel'kh, izgotovlennykh firmoy Karla Faberzhe po zakazu russkogo predprinimatelya Aleksandra Ferdinandovicha Kel'kha masterom Mikhailom Yevlampiyevichem Perkhinym na protyazhenii 1898—1904 godov Syurpriz-Futlyar s miniatyurnym kulonom. Miniatyurnaya oval'naya korobka vypolnena iz agata, ukrashena brilliantami i granonym rubinom «kaboshon». Pod krupnym almazom vidna data — «1903». Kulon izgotovlen iz zolota i pokryt tsvetnoy emal'yu V 1920 godu «Bonbon'yerka» — odno iz 6 Yaits sem'i Kel'kh, prodannykh v Parizhe La Viil' Russi. V 1928 godu pereprodano amerikanskomu pokupatelyu. S 1928 po 1990 gody khranilos' v chastnykh sobraniyakh na territorii Soyedinonnykh Shtatov Ameriki. V 1990 godu vystavleno auktsionnym domom Christie’s i prodano anonimnomu pokupatelyu, po dannym Avstraliyskikh SMI priobreteno milliarderom Kerry Packer. 27 dekabrya 2005 goda pereshlo v sobstvennost' Kerri Pekera mladshego i khranitsya v chastnoy kollektsii v Avstralii «Yaytso s panelyami» (ili Dvenadtsat' paneley) — yuvelirnoye yaytso, odno iz semi paskhal'nykh yaits Kel'kha, izgotovlennykh firmoy Karla Faberzhe dlya russkogo predprinimatelya Aleksandra Ferdinandovicha Kel'kha. Yaytso s panelyami bylo sozdano po zakazu Kel'kha v 1899 godu, v kachestve podarka yego zhene Varvare Kel'kh-Bazanovoy na Paskhu 1899 goda.Khranitsya v Korolevskoy kollektsii korolevy Yelizavety II, London, (Velikobritaniya) Shirokuyu izvestnost' yuvelirnyy dom Faberzhe poluchil, blagodarya sozdannoy v period s 1885 po 1917 god kollektsii yuvelirnykh paskhal'nykh yaits. Osnovatelem traditsii darit' na prazdnik Paskhi yuvelirnoye paskhal'noye yaytso ot firmy Karla Faberzhe (Sankt-Peterburg) stal imperator Rossii Aleksandr III, kotoryy vpervyye sdelal takoy podarok svoyey supruge v 1885 godu. Uspekh yuvelirnykh imperatorskikh paskhal'nykh yaits Faberzhe sposobstvoval tomu, chto zakazy na podarki takogo roda k paskhe posledovali ot ryada sostoyatel'nykh zakazchikov. Paskhal'noye yuvelirnoye yaytso izgotovleno iz zholtogo zolota, ukrasheno almazami, prozrachnoy gvozdichnoy i zelonoy emal'yu, neprozrachnoy beloy emal'yu. Poverkhnost' verkhney i nizhney poloviny yuvelirnogo yaytsa razdelena polosami matovogo zolota na shest' paneley (vsego — 12), ukrashenykh ryadami rozovykh roz iz emali s zolotymi steblyami i prozrachnymi zelonymi list'yami. V samoy shirokoy chasti yaytso okruzhayet polosa almazov, a kazhdaya iz vershin yaytsa vypolnena kontsentricheskimi okruzhnostyami iz brilliantov, ot kotorykh otkhodyat zolotyye i zelonyye emalirovannyye list'ya. Na vershine ustanovlen medal'on s initsialami «B.T.K.» pod almazom, na protivopolozhnoy vershine sdelan podobnyy, khotya i men'shiy po razmeru medal'on, ukazyvaya datu: «1899». Syurpriz utrachen Podarok Aleksandra Kel'kha supruge Varvare Kel'kh-Bazanovoy na Paskhu 1899 goda. Zolotopromyshlennik, kak i imperator Nikolay II, daril na Paskhu svoyey supruge yuvelirnyye yaytsa Faberzhe. Odnako vskore finansovoye polozheniye ukhudshilos' i suprugi Kel'kh razoshlis' Yaytsami Faberzhe oni boleye ne interesovalis', a byvshaya supruga vyvezla kollektsiyu yuvelirnykh paskhal'nykh yaits v Parizh. V 1920 «Yaytso s panelyami» — odno iz 6 Yaits Kel'kha, prodannykh v Parizhe La Viil' Russi. V 1933 prodano Korolyu Georgu V i podareno im na Rozhdestvo 1933 goda koroleve Meri, Velikobritaniya. V 1953 godu unasledovano korolevoy Yelizavetoy II[ , khranitsya v Britanskoy korolevskoy kollektsii Sosnovaya shishka — paskhal'noye yaytso, yuvelirnoye izdeliye, izgotovlennoye v 1900 godu firmoy Karla Faberzhe po zakazu rossiyskogo promyshlennika Aleksandra Ferdinandovicha Kel'kha, kotoryy podaril yego svoyey zhene Varvare Petrovne Bazanovoy-Kel'kh Poverkhnost' yaytsa gil'oshirovannaya, pokryta poluprozrachnoy emal'yu korolevskogo sinego tsveta i ornamentom iz platinovykh girlyand, inkrustirovannykh brilliantami ogranki «roza». Na verkhnem kontse yaytsa chetyre krupnykh grushevidnykh brillianta obrazuyut chetyrekhlistnik (simvol Voskreseniya); pod brilliantami izobrazhena data — «1900».Ne sokhranilas' monogramma Varvary Kel'kh «V.K.» pod bol'shim brilliantom na nizhnem kontse yaytsa. Veroyatno, ona byla vypolnena podobno monogrammy na yaytse «Dvenadtsat' paneley».Vnutri yaytsa nakhoditsya mekhanicheskiy, ukrashennyy dragotsennymi kamnyami slon, na kotorom sidit pogonshchik, i zavodnoy klyuch. V 1929 godu yaytso bylo prodano chastnomu kollektsioneru v SSHA. Na auktsione Christie's v Zheneve v 1989 godu yego priobrela za 3,1 milliona dollarov Dzhoan Shag, vdova byvshego upravlentsa korporatsii McDonald’s. Vo vremya torgov Shag byla na telefonnoy svyazi so svoim predstavitelem na auktsione. Ещё 4410 / 5000 Результаты перевода Bonbonniere is a jewelry egg, one of the seven Easter eggs in the collection of the Kelch family, made by Carl Fabergé by order of the Russian businessman Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh by the master Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin during 1898-1904
Bonbonniere is a jewelry egg, one of the seven Easter eggs in the Kelch family collection, made by Carl Fabergé by order of the Russian businessman Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh by the master Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin during 1898-1904
The Fabergé jewelry house gained wide popularity thanks to the collection of jewelry Easter eggs created in the period from 1885 to 1917. The founder of the tradition of giving a jewelry Easter egg from the firm of Carl Faberge (St. Petersburg) to the Easter holiday was the Emperor of Russia Alexander III, who first made such a gift to his wife in 1885. The success of Faberge's jewelry imperial Easter eggs contributed to the fact that orders for gifts of this kind for Easter followed from a number of wealthy customers.
The Fabergé jewelry house gained wide popularity thanks to the collection of jewelry Easter eggs created in the period from 1885 to 1917.
This Easter jewelry egg is made of yellow gold, decorated with diamonds, transparent carnation and green enamel, opaque white enamel. The surface of the upper and lower half of the jewelry egg is divided by stripes of matte gold into six panels (12 in total), decorated with rows of pink enamel roses with golden stems and transparent green leaves. At the widest part, the egg is surrounded by a strip of diamonds, and each of the egg's tops is made of concentric circles of diamonds, from which golden and green enameled leaves extend. At the top is a medallion with the initials
This Easter jewelry egg is made of yellow gold, decorated with diamonds, transparent carnation and green enamel, opaque white enamel.
“Rocaille” (“Rocaille”) is an Easter egg, a piece of jewelry made in 1902 in St. Petersburg by the firm of Carl Fabergé by order of the Russian industrialist Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh as an Easter gift for his wife Varvara Petrovna Kelch.

Surprise in the shape of an engraved heart with three miniatures inside, similar to the surprise of the

Surprise in the shape of an engraved heart with three miniatures inside, similar to the surprise of the “Lavender” egg.Varvara Kelkh divorced her husband and moved in 1905 from Russia to Paris. She took with her most of her fortune, including six Faberge eggs.

Varvara Kelkh divorced her husband and moved in 1905 from Russia to Paris. She took with her most of her fortune, including six Faberge eggs.

In June 1995, the egg was put up for sale in London, but no one bought it. It was sold to an American in 1997, with the participation of Lynette Prohler; in 2012, it was bought by the Arthur and Dorothy McFerrin Foundation. The egg is now on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences.
In June 1995, the egg was put up for sale in London, but no one bought it. It was sold to an American in 1997, with the participation of Lynette Prohler
Chicken Kelkha
“Chicken Kelkha” is an Easter egg, jewelery by Carl Fabergé, made in 1898 by order of the Russian industrialist Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh.

The egg is covered with transparent strawberry-red enamel on a guilloche background.

The egg is covered with transparent strawberry-red enamel on a guilloche background. eggs from the collection of the Kelch

Apple tree flowers
eggs from the collection of the Kelch (other names:
“Apple Flowers” (other names: “Apple Blossom”, “Jade”, “Jade Box”) is an Easter egg, jewelry by Carl Faberge, made in 1901 by order of the Russian industrialist Alexander Kelkh as an Easter gift for his wife Varvara Kelch …
The Apple Blossom egg is made in the form of a jewelry box and is one of the largest Faberge Easter eggs. Its design has a tangible influence of fashion on Art Nouveau and Japanese style.
The Apple Blossom egg is made in the form of a jewelry box and is one of the largest Faberge Easter eggs. Its design has a tangible influence of fashion on Art Nouveau and Japanese style. eggs from the collection of the Kelch
eggs from the collection of the Kelch, The surprise that was inside the egg is lost. Easter eggs for the Kelch family were made by Fabergé in the workshop of Mikhail Perkhin annually from 1898 to 1905.
The surprise that was inside the egg is lost. Easter eggs for the Kelch family were made by Fabergé in the workshop of Mikhail Perkhin annually from 1898 to 1905. eggs from the collection of the Kelch


Chauntecleer Kelch
eggs from the collection of the Kelch, The Chauntecleer Kelch egg clock is a jewelry egg, the last of the seven Easter Kelch eggs made by Carl Fabergé for the Russian businessman Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelch by the master Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin during 1898-1904
The Chauntecleer Kelch egg clock is a jewelry egg, the last of the seven Easter Kelch eggs made by Carl Fabergé for the Russian businessman Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelch by the master Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin during 1898-1904